Для тех, кто как и мы пропустил награждение SHOWStudio Fashion Film Award Ника Найта.

Оказывается, победил Максим Башкаев с fashion-видео для собственного бренда Outlaw Moscow (Диляра Минрахманова, Максим Башкаев). 
Оптовый рынок, планетарий, консерватория, спортзал и красота:

Maxim Bashkaev, Russia, Moscow: OUTLAW

The winner of SHOWstudio's first ever Fashion Film Award in collaboration with QIC Global Real Estate is Maksim Bashkaev, with his film Outlaw! Maksim Bashkaev is the co-founder and designer of the Russian fashion brand Outlaw Moscow. The main goal of Outlaw is to look into the unexplored life of ‘the outlaw people’ of Moscow. The film focuses on people who take the alternative route, combining the mixed cultural patterns of Empire and Soviet eras - they have few supporters in Russia. Their art is often misunderstood and oppressed by the majority, but their works are dedicated to fighting the isolation and representing ‘the other’ Russia: open, intellectual and free.

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